Website Design & Development

Do you agree with the term; ‘The first impression is the last impression’? Well, this is definitely the case for online businesses. According to statistics, a badly designed website turns away more than 90% of the visitors. Hence, it can easily turn away your potential customers before they even have a chance to explore your products or services. At bmymarketer, our developers offer a wide range of Outsource web development services to optimize your website. Whether you want to create a custom website from scratch and its WordPress development, or your online site needs a mobile-friendly design along with a robust site analysis, we are here to refine your business website.
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Why Web Development Matters

Web development is very important because it molds how the internet works. Websites like your most-used social media platform and your favorite online shopping store are all made and kept up to date by web developers. Professionally built websites are fast, functional, and user-friendly. They not only help businesses reach more customers but also provide people with the information and services they need with ease.We are offering a wide range of website development outsourcing services.
What we offer

Expert Solutions for Your Web Development Needs

Custom Website Design

While designing a new website, focusing on both UI and UX is vital. Additionally, a special focus on a robust security system protects your business from malware attacks. Custom website design involves creating a website that fits a particular business's needs and brand identity. We customize your website as per your preferred graphics and SEO content. Device-friendly responsive design ensures your website can be easily pulled up on both desktop and mobile screens.

Wordpress Website Design

Our skilled WordPress developers create adaptable, business-specific websites. We ensure a great user experience, maintain security, and improve performance. Using the WordPress CMS, we build and customize diverse websites, from blogs to e-commerce and corporate sites. Custom themes provide a unique, branded look. Plugins add features like contact forms, SEO optimization, and social media interaction. We also handle maintenance and updates to keep the site safe, functional, and up-to-date with web standards.

Website Analysis

An effective website analysis can test your website and its performance. Tools for analyzing websites, such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, Hotjar, Crazy Egg, Pingdom, and GTmetrix, can tell you a lot about how well a website performs. These tools keep an eye on user behavior and trends, loading speed, SEO performance, and how user interaction. We use these tools to improve the user experience, search engine rankings, and website speed and stability. With these simple measures, our team can increase your website visibility as well as conversion rates.

Website Development

Our full-stack developers provide both front-end and back-end solutions to make your website stand out. We handle web design, content development, client-side/server-side coding, and network security. Our services include planning, designing, developing, security testing, website testing, launching, and periodic maintenance. Using responsive design concepts, we ensure websites work well on all devices. A well-built website is a powerful marketing tool, helping businesses reach more people, engage users, and achieve online goals. We are your one-stop shop for all web development needs.

Front-end Development Services

Front-end development is essentially like the ‘face’ of a website. It includes every feature users can see, engage, and interact with. Our front-end development experts use your desired languages, such as HTML, JavaScript, Figma, and CSS, to create your website. Your website's layout, design, and interactive features are customized according to your preferences with our experts’ assistance and current market trends. Using front-end frameworks like React or Angular helps us speed up the web development process, make your site more dynamic and interactive, and improve performance. These frameworks make it easier to maintain and scale your website as your business grows.

Back-End Development Services

Back-end Development works similarly to a car's engine or inside any machinery. Users cannot see those parts, but they are essential to keep your website running optimally. Our back-end developers use PHP, Python, and Ruby not only to design your website but also to keep it running smoothly. A RESTful API lets your website interact with other services and apps, which allows it to perform tasks like authenticating users, getting data, and integrating with third-party apps. This makes your site more functional and flexible. Talk to us today for a free proposal and start working on your business dreams!

Mobile-friendly Websites

Mobile-friendly websites use scalable fonts, touchable buttons, and improved content readability for smaller screens. By prioritizing mobile friendliness, our team ensures your business’s website works well on all devices and keeps users engaged. This is essential to reach the growing number of mobile users, boost search engine rankings (as Google and other search engines favor mobile-friendly sites), and lower bounce rates. These features enhance visibility, user experience, and online growth.

Hire Our Expert Web Developers to make your Website Extraordinary

With our expert web developers, you will be able to customize your website however you want. We prefer our clients to show their signature in any business they own, and we handle the technicalities for you. At bmymarketer, we ensure that your website is not only optimized but also that you and your team personally enjoy it. Trust us to build you an innovative website that looks good on the surface and boasts optimum efficiency in visibility, security, and responsiveness.

Why Choose us

Building Brands that Stand Out in the Crowded Digital World

Unlimited Creativity

We don’t shy away from trying newer designs and staying on top of digital market trends. Experience infinite innovation with us, and we can turn your vision into a unique and powerful website.

Data-Driven Strategies

For us, numbers are everything, whether we are designing a web development strategy based on website analysis or not. Our focus on data-driven strategies and result-based insights are guaranteed to give you your desired results.

Adaptability and Flexible Approach

Our web development strategies are not set in stone. Rather, our developers consistently and continuously modify and update our strategy for building and maintaining websites. Our flexibility serves not only your preferences but also takes into account advanced industry trends and updates.

Pursuit of Perfection

Not everything in the world is perfect, but our delivered results are! Our commitment to quality and passion for excellence drive our motivation, which is to maximize the potential of your website. We fully understand that your growth leads to our growth, and our team approves of nothing less than the best possible outcome.

Exceptional Outcomes

Our professionals oversee your web development from the planning of the concept note to the launch and dedicate their support to post-launch maintenance. We promise to overdeliver the outcomes so your business can thrive daily.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

 It can take as short as a few weeks to as long as several months to launch your website. It completely depends on your preferences and the complexity of the overall project.

Yes, we will give you a set of deadlines and milestones that we expect to achieve during your website development process. Call us today to request a free proposal.

We handle a wide range of business websites, including e-commerce sites, corporate websites, blogs, portfolios, and service-oriented websites.

 Yes, we can build your website using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, which allows you to easily update and manage your content without needing technical knowledge.

Yes, we work with you step-by-step to ensure that your website reflects your vision and meets your business objectives.

To protect your website's data, we use strategies like encryption, secure coding practices, regular updates, and backups. We also perform security audits and use secure hosting environments.

Yes, our experts highly recommend it. Whether you run an e-commerce store, a blog, a corporate site, or a portfolio, having a site that works well on all devices ensures a better user experience and wider reach.

We can customize existing WordPress themes or create a custom theme from scratch to ensure your website aligns perfectly with your brand identity.

We offer ongoing maintenance and support services, including regular updates, security checks, backups, and troubleshooting, to ensure your site runs smoothly.

Regular website analysis is recommended, ideally monthly. This helps us identify issues, track performance, and make necessary adjustments to improve user experience and SEO.

Website analysis can improve site speed, user navigation, content quality, SEO, conversion rates, and overall user experience.

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